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Braiding Funding to Support Equitable Career Pathways

This brief explains the sources and benefits of braiding funding, highlights promising practices for braiding funding in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Montana and Oklahoma and provides recommendations to enhance high-quality funding alignment and sustainability practice.


Taking Alignment to the Next Level

How K–12 and Higher Education Can Collaborate to Support Student Success


The State of CTE: Early Postsecondary Opportunities

Advance CTE, in partnership with the College in High School Alliance, released The State of CTE: Early Postsecondary Opportunities. This 50-state report reveals key findings on how EPSOs serve CTE learners and provides recommendations for state leaders to leverage state infrastructure and collaboration to advance equity in these experiences.


College Acceleration in Action

College Acceleration in Action: Five School Perspectives examines how real schools are putting the nine negotiables, separated into three buckets – Quality and Value, Equity and Access and Educators and Advisors – into practice to the benefit of all students.


Credential Currency

This report provides recommendations to states for identifying credentials of value and increasing the number of students who attain them. It reflects best practices from around the country. It also identifies emerging national initiatives and opportunities for collective action that can help states accelerate their work.


Rewarding Success for All Students

In 2019, Texas approved one of the nation’s “biggest and boldest” efforts to use performance funding in education. The state began providing significant bonuses for College, Career or Military Readiness (CCMR), with higher rewards for success with economically disadvantaged and special education students. This brief describes how the CCMR bonuses in Texas were developed, how they are designed, and how they are working so far.


Credentials Matter

Credentials Matter examines how the industry credentials students earn align with the workforce they will enter. Users can use this state credential attainment and employer demand data to align their state’s education system with workforce demand and improve state data collection practices.


Pathways Matter Policy Framework

ExcelinEd’s Pathways Matter establishes the first comprehensive learner-centered education to workforce continuum for state policy. Beginning in K-12 and extending to and through postsecondary and on to employment, Pathways Matter, takes the fragmented narrative and structure of state education to workforce policy efforts and turns it into a comprehensive policy continuum.

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